Friday, January 13, 2012

The Blog That I Dreamt to Start

         I planned to start this blog since I was in High School, social networking started it's craze then. I had an account for almost everything-Friendster (check!), Facebook (check!), Multiply (check!). But never really updated them that much because of school and other activities that I really couldn't find time. Plus, I didn't know what to say! Should I post my day to day activities which were basically really boring? Ever since then, I couldn't decide what to focus on.
          I wanted to share something that really describes me, something that will reach out, maybe something that will inspire change (naks!). Then tonight, it dawned on me. Why not write and share something that I really love to do since I was a kid? Why not write about the books that I read  and wishes to read in the future? I should start now, right? Then I would! So, here it goes....